100 of 200 laid in a week? what happened to the multiple girls they were claiming before? I doubt 200 people were even there and judging by the birthday party photos the girls were either hookers or the quality that did turn up to that abortion
and then this faggot chimes in
can someone tell me WTF Pulled means? Push Pull? Pulling the girls hair? Pulled her into MY LIFEZ IN 2008Z RSD photo posing?
I don't give a flying fuck if you sucked this girls toes in the club if you didn't fuck her you are just bragging
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ty ty likes to LIE LIE
sociopaths are delusional they actually belive there fibs
truth/deceit come from the same toilet for him
that's why rsd always says "have a strong reality" up to including pure fakery
I can see a time in the future, say 3 years from now, with owen kook in his bunker, ranting and raving to his group of psychophants ..interns, instructors, while the feds are closing in on him with an arrest warrant, jeffy by his side
then he goes into his bedroom with his mexican tart, takes cyanide and offs himself
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what a fucking lying sack of shit. jesus fucking christ....tyler is such a delusional fuck...i almost guarantee ZERO lays from those 200 rsd dudes...ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO....tyler is a dangerous sociopath...he will lie to anyone, anywhere and still feel ok with himself...i hope his students realize he's the next fucking jim jones...LIES LIES LIES...all for tyler's benefit.
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no no no
it's just the terminology
he says 100 people got laid
it means they laid down, had a rest, chilled out
like alex who 'pulls' but doesn't always 'close' when he pulls
look to be honest, i would bet that most rsd instructors do succeed with girls consistently
why they exaggerate so much and act like megalomaniac morons is simply beyond me
if they just kept it real, they would have zero haters
go figure.
so much 'evidence' here from the guy that got laid 5 times in a day according to Tyler (or was that pulled on a couch?)
I'm pretty certain it didnt even look like 200 people in the FB photos and then the crowd is always filled with the pimpski fags who dont pay to do this shit anyway only to fill numbers and make fake testimonials
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wtf? what a psycho. I smell another L. Ron Hubbard in the making...
hows your math people?
try photo number 86
roughly 9 rows per left and right about 6 people max
works out 108 people ....there are less people up the back rows
link fixed